Riyadh Munstasir

Riyadh Muntasir

“When it’s my time to go I will be happy that I did something.”

It was 2008 when he first joined a voluntary organisation, but he has much experience with volunteering before this. Riyadh started volunteering with Dundalk Red Cross back then and he is still a volunteer with them to date.  

Riyadh registered with Louth Volunteer Centre in 2019 and has volunteered in numerous roles that he has found through Louth Volunteer Centre. He told me, “Louth Volunteer Centre has recognised me and given me opportunities.” and that it “has always made time for me.” I asked Riyadh if he felt that the Louth Volunteer Centre had supported him on his volunteer journey, and he said “no doubt about that. Louth Volunteer Centre are very informative and great with communication, they will send you emails, call and text you, top class.”

Riyadh is a very active volunteer who gets involved with many different roles. Riyadh is motivated to volunteer by his beliefs, “I believe that God has created us to help each other.” Riyadh feels that at times that he has needed help or support people have offered him that and it is important for him to offer help and support to people through volunteering to repay this kindness.  

When I asked Riyadh if he had a favourite volunteer moment, he told he had many. He told me a story about one that really stood out to him. When he first moved to Ireland 25 years ago, he was living in Cork and met a man there that helped guide him and was a good friend. “I hadn’t seen him in 16 years.” Riyadh was volunteering at an event and said “he came from nowhere. I was 46 years old, and I was crying in front of the crowd, it was a great moment for me. I was so close to him.”  Riyadh had lost contact with his friend when he moved from Cork and believes if he wasn’t volunteering at that event that day he would be still out of contact with his friend.  

Riyadh spoke to me about the skills that you can gain from volunteering, for example, the communication skills you learn and how important they are for any area of work. It is for this reason Riyadh would encourage young people to get involved in volunteering. Riyadh told me about his admiration for young people that volunteer. He said, “I always admire the young kids” he feels they could easily sit down to watch football or play games but instead they give up their time to volunteer. “I am inspired by them.”  

Riyadh also spoke about the connections as another important thing to be gained from volunteering. He said, “were not just a team it’s a family.” “The nicest thing about volunteering is the number of good people I have met.”