“One act of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s life.”
Ian began his volunteer journey in 2007. He began volunteering with the Reserve Garda and did that for an amazing 10 years. Only stopping for health reasons. Ian’s favourite moments when he volunteered with the reserve Garda was when he would get to attend community events. “You would get to interact with people and have a laugh.” Ian also thought it was great that these community events allowed the Garda to interact with children and build a positive relationship with them. “You want kids to approach a Garda rather than run away. You want the Garda to be the first point of call, rather than run away I’m in trouble.”
Another Role that Ian really enjoyed due to that community interaction it gave him was the ‘Festive Friends’ role he did with Louth Volunteer Centre in 2021. Volunteers were paired up with people in the community who were identified as having no visitors or dinner on Christmas Day. Volunteers visited these individuals and dropped off a dinner on Christmas Day. “It’s all about making a difference to people, a positive difference.”
When I spoke to Ian about his motivation for volunteering, he told me “You can either sit at home watching your television giving out about the world or you can actually do something about it.” Ian shared with me his fantastic idea for when he is out walking his dog. He walks the dog and does a bit of litter picking at the same time. “The dog needs walking every day and on these long evenings I just bring my litter pick and a bag and pick up litter on the way.” Ian finds this a great way to keep his local area clean and take pride in his community.
Ian registered with Louth Volunteer Centre in 2020 and then went on to do the training to become a ‘Community Volunteer’ with Louth Volunteer centre. Ian was happy with the support he got from Louth Volunteer Centre. He found when it came to the Community Volunteer program “everyone is trained and has the right induction.” Ian enjoyed being part of Community Volunteers and liked the fact that “the roles are varied”.
Ian would really recommend people sign up to Louth Volunteer Centre. When Ian signed up in 2020 we were in the midst of the pandemic and he wanted to help people. “I wanted to do something to help but didn’t know how or where.” Ian found Louth Volunteer Centre “a nice central place and easy to use.” “The roles are wide ranging and have wide ranging positive effects.” Ian would also recommend people sign up as it can be a good way to challenge yourself with the different roles available and learn new skills through this and gain confidence in things that may not come naturally to you. “More than anything you learn to believe in yourself.”